
Can AI replace administrative assistants?

Brickwork Blogs

According to a report by the McKinsey Global Institute, by 2030, up to 14% of administrative jobs could be automated with the use of AI and other technologies. While this may sound alarming, it is crucial to note that AI cannot entirely replace administrative assistants.

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has made significant strides and its impact in workplace cannot be underestimated. Administrative assistants perform a variety of tasks that require human intuition, problem-solving skills, and communication abilities. For example, admins may assist with customer service, manage confidential information, manage office operations, and provide support to executives and staff. These tasks typically require emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills that AI is not yet capable of replicating.

Administrative assistants frequently function as the face of an organization and add that personal touch to the services offered. They possess the ability to understand and empathize with customers, provide tailored support, and adjust to evolving needs in a manner that AI cannot replicate.

Administrative assistants possess a crucial ability to foster relationships and handle stakeholder interactions, which is one of their key strengths. They are frequently the initial point of contact for external stakeholders, and their proficiency in establishing trust and developing rapport is vital for cultivating prosperous business connections.

Also, they have a deep understanding of their organization's culture, values, and operations. They can anticipate potential issues and provide creative solutions that AI cannot. They can also provide valuable insights and feedback to managers and executives that help drive strategic decision-making. Their knowledge of internal processes and procedures makes them indispensable when it comes to implementing and executing organizational policies and initiatives.

It is worth mentioning that AI can still play a significant role in assisting administrative assistants in their work. For example, AI can help automate routine tasks such as data entry, appointment scheduling, and email management, allowing administrative assistants to focus on higher-level tasks. AI-powered tools can also assist with data analysis and provide insights, but they cannot replace strategic thinking and human creativity.

In a survey by Gartner, 69% of business leaders said that they plan to use AI and machine learning to automate tasks in their administrative and support functions. While this may sound concerning, administrative assistants can benefit from the use of AI. AI can help them increase their efficiency and productivity, allowing them to take on more significant responsibilities and add more value to their organizations. With the help of AI-powered tools, administrative assistants can focus on tasks that require human intuition and creativity, such as problem-solving and relationship-building, while leaving routine tasks to AI.

A lady standing in front of a laptop screen and interacting with an AI tool for various tasks like planning and checking to-do list.

Let’s look at some of the AI tools, which admin assistants are using:

IBM Watson: IBM's AI platform offers a wide range of AI tools and services, including natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine learning capabilities.

OpenAI GPT: Chat GPT provides a range of natural language processing capabilities for tasks like text completion, summarization, and translation.

Clara: Clara is an AI-driven virtual assistant designed for scheduling and calendar management. It can manage meeting scheduling, rescheduling, and cancellations by communicating with meeting participants via email. Clara integrates with popular calendar platforms to streamline the scheduling process.

Google Assistant: Google Assistant is a widely used virtual assistant available on various devices and platforms. It can integrate with your Google Calendar and help manage your schedule. You can use voice commands to add events, check your upcoming appointments, or request suggestions for available time slots.

Microsoft Power Automate: Formerly known as Microsoft Flow, Power Automate is a cloud-based workflow automation tool that integrates with various Microsoft and third-party applications. It provides a visual interface for creating automated workflows and supports AI capabilities like text analytics and image recognition.

Zapier: It is a popular workflow automation tool that connects different applications and automates tasks between them. It allows you to create "Zaps" that trigger actions in one application based on events in another, enabling seamless data transfer and process automation.

Google Travel: Google Travel is a suite of AI-powered travel tools and services provided by Google. It offers features like flight and hotel search, itinerary planning, and personalized recommendations based on user preferences and search history. Google Travel also provides real-time updates on flights and travel advisories.

UiPath: UiPath is another popular RPA platform that enables the automation of repetitive tasks and business processes. It provides a visual design interface and supports AI technologies for intelligent automation, including natural language processing, document understanding, and computer vision.

Microsoft 365 Transcription: Microsoft 365 Transcription incorporates AI technologies to provide automated transcription capabilities within the Microsoft 365 suite of productivity applications. The AI components help in accurately transcribing the spoken content and provide a convenient way to access and work with the transcriptions. Users can edit, save, and share the transcriptions, improving productivity and collaboration.

Tableau: Tableau's AI-driven features to enhance the analytics experience by reducing manual effort, providing intelligent recommendations, and enabling users to gain deeper insights from their data

To sum it up, while AI has the potential to automate some administrative tasks, it cannot replace the human touch and intuition that administrative assistants bring to their roles. AI will be used to augment human decision-making rather than replacing it, which means that human workers will continue to play a vital role in administrative work. Therefore, administrative assistants need not fear the rise of AI, but instead, embrace it as a tool that can help them become more efficient and effective in their roles.

How can Brickwork help?
Brickwork virtual assistants leverage AI tools to enhance their efficiency and deliver added value to customers. By automating repetitive tasks, we assist businesses in optimizing their operations. Our AI-powered solutions simplify and streamline calendar management, saving valuable time and easing administrative burden pertaining to appointment scheduling and event coordination. Through process automation, we improve overall efficiency, allowing businesses to continue to focus on core activities and achieve higher productivity levels.

What AI tools do you use to improve productivity and efficiency, share with us!