Virtual Admin

Does Accent Matter When Hiring Virtual Administrative Assistant?

Brickwork Blogs


As businesses tap into the global talent pool, they encounter a diverse range of candidates, each bringing unique skills, experiences, and accents. This diversity often leads to an important question: does an accent matter when hiring a virtual administrative assistant?

While some argue that accents might lead to misunderstandings or affect perceived professionalism, others believe that language proficiency and communication skills outweigh any accent-related concerns. But what actually matters? Let’s find out.

Importance of Effective Communication

Effective communication is critical for the success of an administrative virtual assistant. Given the nature of their work, which often involves interacting with clients, colleagues, and customers, virtual assistants must possess excellent communication skills. This includes both written and verbal communication, as well as the ability to understand and convey information clearly and accurately.

In administrative roles, miscommunication can lead to errors, missed deadlines, and dissatisfied clients or customers. Therefore, VAs need to be proficient in the language of their clients, able to understand instructions, ask clarifying questions when needed, and provide updates on their work progress.

The Accent Debate

Accents are a natural part of human speech, reflecting our backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. In a globalized world, the workplace has become a melting pot of diverse accents and linguistic styles. When it comes to hiring an administrative virtual assistant, the question of whether an accent matter can spark a robust debate. Let's delve into this topic by examining what an accent is, common perceptions and stereotypes, and how accents can impact communication.

Impact of Accents on Communication

The primary concern regarding accents in the workplace is their potential impact on communication. Here are a few ways in which accents can affect interactions:

  • Clarity and Understanding: Some accents might be unfamiliar to listeners, making it harder to understand the speaker. This can lead to misunderstandings, especially in roles that require clear and precise communication.
  • Perceived Professionalism: In certain contexts, accents can influence how professional a person is perceived to be. This perception, however, is highly subjective and often rooted in cultural biases.
  • Customer and Client Interactions: In customer-facing roles, the ease with which clients or customers understand a VA can impact their experience. A strong accent might pose a challenge if it leads to repeated misunderstandings or if customers are biased against certain accents.

It's important to note that these issues are not insurmountable. With the right strategies and tools, businesses can effectively manage and even benefit from a diverse range of accents.

Moving Beyond Accent Bias

To move beyond accent bias, it's essential to focus on language proficiency and communication skills. A candidate's ability to perform their job effectively should be the primary consideration. Here are a few tips for assessing communication skills without letting accent bias influence the decision:

  • Conducting Comprehensive Interviews: Use video calls to assess how well candidates communicate in real-time. Pay attention to their clarity, confidence, and ability to understand and respond to questions.
  • Evaluating Language Proficiency: Assess the candidate's overall language proficiency, including their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. This can be done through standardized tests or practical tasks relevant to the job.
  • Providing Communication Tasks: Give candidates specific tasks that require clear communication, such as drafting emails, making phone calls, or managing customer inquiries.
  • Checking References and Past Work: Review references and previous work samples to gauge the candidate's communication abilities and how they've managed interactions in past roles.

Pros and Cons of Hiring Virtual Assistants with Accents.

Pros and Cons of Hiring VAs with Accents

When considering hiring an administrative virtual assistant (VA), businesses often weigh various factors, including the candidate's accent. While accents can influence communication, they also bring unique advantages and potential challenges. In this section, we'll explore the pros and cons of hiring VAs with accents to provide a balanced perspective.


  1. Diversity and Inclusivity in the Workplace
    • Cultural Enrichment: Hiring VAs with diverse accents can bring a wealth of cultural knowledge and perspectives, enriching the workplace environment.
  • Inclusive Work Culture: Embracing candidates with various accents promotes an inclusive work culture, demonstrating that the company values talent and skill over linguistic background.
  1. Access to a Global Talent Pool
    • Wider Range of Skills and Expertise: By not limiting hiring to a specific region or accent, businesses can access a broader talent pool, potentially finding candidates with unique skills, qualifications, and experiences that perfectly match their needs.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Hiring VAs from different parts of the world can be cost-effective. Depending on the candidate's location, businesses might find highly skilled professionals at competitive rates, allowing for budget optimization without compromising quality.
  1. Unique Cultural Insights and Perspectives
    • Local Market Understanding: VAs from different regions can provide valuable insights into local markets, consumer behavior, and cultural nuances.
  • Enhanced Customer Relations: For companies with a diverse customer base, having VAs who speak with various accents can help build rapport with clients and customers who share similar linguistic backgrounds, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.


  1. Potential Communication Barriers
    • Misunderstandings: Accents can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, especially if the listener is unfamiliar with the accent. This can result in errors or the need for repeated explanations, affecting efficiency and productivity.
  • Clarity Issues: In roles that require extensive verbal communication, such as customer support or phone-based tasks, a strong accent might pose challenges if customers or clients have difficulty understanding the VA.
  1. Client or Customer Biases and Prejudices
    • Bias Against Accents: Unfortunately, some clients or customers may hold biases against certain accents, perceiving them as less professional or competent.
  • Perceived Professionalism: In certain industries or regions, there may be a perception that certain accents are more "professional" than others. This bias can influence how a VA is received and whether they are trusted with critical tasks.
  1. Adaptation Challenges
    • Adjustment Period: Both the VA and the team may need time to adjust to each other's communication styles. This adjustment period can include familiarizing themselves with the accent, understanding colloquialisms, and adapting to different communication norms.
  • Training and Development Needs: VAs with strong accents may require additional training to enhance their communication clarity, especially in customer-facing roles. This can involve time and resources to ensure they meet the desired communication standards.

Balancing the Pros and Cons

To effectively balance the pros and cons of hiring VAs with accents, businesses can implement several strategies:

  • Focus on Language Proficiency: Prioritize candidates' overall language proficiency and communication skills over their accent. This ensures that they can perform their tasks efficiently and effectively.
  • Provide Training and Support: Offer communication training and support to help VAs improve their clarity and adapt to the company's communication style. This can include accent reduction training, if appropriate, and tools like transcription services or speech training software.
  • Foster an Inclusive Culture: Promote an inclusive work culture that values diversity and educates team members about the benefits of a diverse workforce. Encourage patience and understanding to minimize biases and create a supportive environment for VAs with accents.
  • Leverage Technology: Utilize technology to bridge communication gaps. Tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and collaboration platforms can facilitate clearer communication and reduce misunderstandings.

Also Read: Strategies to Onboard and Train Virtual Assistants in Small and Medium Business


In the diverse and interconnected landscape of remote work, the significance of accents in hiring administrative virtual assistants is a nuanced issue. While accents can impact communication, prioritizing language proficiency and effective communication skills ensures that businesses tap into a global talent pool, fostering a richer and more inclusive workplace.

How can Brickwork help you?

Navigating the complexities of hiring a VA with the right skills and communication abilities can transform your business. Whether it's embracing diversity or ensuring clear communication, the perfect candidate is out there. Don't let accent bias hold you back.

Explore our virtual assistant services and add your queries here today!